
The yearbook is an 8 ½ x 11 spiral-bound book given to each band member (at no charge) at the Band Banquet. It’s a great memento for the year, an excellent way to showcase our pride in our band family, and a perfect way for band members to support each other! The yearbook includes several full-color sections, including pages for Arrow Grams, student ads, and business ads. Ads can be purchased by family members, friends, other students, etc., for any year band member – not just seniors.

Arrow Grams:

Cost is $5 each

  • Arrow Grams are compliments and well wishes sent by family members and friends to band members. These are text-only and are similar to “shout-outs” at Band Festivals.
  • Click this link to complete a Google form for the Arrow Gram
  • Click this link to pay online.
  • No more than 2 to 3 lines of text

Student Ads:

Quarter page — $35Half Page — $65, Full Page — $100

  • Student Ads are also well wishes and compliments but include both text and photos. You submit photo(s) and text and we will put it together for you.
  • Image files should be jpg or png format
  • Entire book is full color!
  • Click this link to pay online.
  • Email your ad (or text and photo(s)) to be sure to include “Student Ads” in the subject line
  • See samples below

Business Ads:

If you have a business and would like to support the PTMB by placing an ad, please contact for more details and to place your order.

Arrow Gram and Student Ad examples: