We can’t do what we do, without you!

We ask that every member join one committee and help with the variety of activities that we support, for our students, each year. There is something for everyone – whether you like to work on a computer, face to face, cook, sell, design, organize, decorate, or administrate -there is something right for you! Check out our PTMB Committees A to Z!

If you are interested in serving on a committee or helping with one of the activities, please contact the committee chairperson or email PTMB at ptmboosters@gmail.com.


PTMB Events


Audit Committee

This committee of 3 members assists with reviewing the books and viewing samples of our statements and transactions to keep track of our financial responsibility.

Time: October

Contact: Julie Collins

Symphonic Choir

Choir Banquet

This committee coordinates our annual Choir Banquet in May.  Details include ticket sales to parents, planning the dinner and dance, and decorating.



Time: April and May

Contact: Stacey Henderson


Chaperone Coordinator

Please join this committee and assist in coordinating volunteers to be sure our students and directors have enough parent help at our many home and away events.

View our Volunteer page to see the latest chaperone needs!

Time: Throughout the school year; busiest in fal

Contact: Tanya Kotenoglou

PMB Communications

Communications & Email

This committee ensures that important messages from Peters Township Music Boosters are sent. Information from Directors, Fundraising Chairs, Boosters, and Community is communicated either through our email system or through Shelly Belcher with the School District.

Time: Throughout school year

Contact: Camille Bodnar

Dine and Donate

Dine & Donate

Enjoy a delicious meal while raising money for PT Music Boosters! The chairperson arranges specific days and times with local restaurants for members to dine and have a percentage of their purchases donated directly to PTMB.

Time: Throughout the year

Contact: Holly Wall

Funnel Cakes

Funnel Cakes – PTHS Football

This committee sells funnel cakes, fried Oreos, and water during Friday night home football games. 5 volunteers are needed to help with set-up, operation, and clean-up each week.

Time: Friday nights from mid-August through early November (if there is a playoff game)

Contact: Chris and Anne Gavorcik


Funnel Cakes – Trax Farms

Fall is funnel cake season! This committee sells funnel cakes, fried Oreos, and drinks at the Trax Farms Fall Festival. This is a major fundraiser for PTMB and has over 110 volunteer spots that need filled for the 10 days of operation.

Time: Weekends, late September through October

Contact: Dan Taylor and Alan Skillings

Game Hospitality (Home & Away)

Our Hospitality committee coordinates food and drinks as needed for our Peters Township Marching Band. They also assist visiting groups during football games or during special events.

Time: Fall football season

Contact: Christine Chapas


Lottery Calendar

This committee manages our lottery calendar fundraiser. The committee prints and distributes 1,000 lottery calendars to our members between October and December. Payouts, which are based on the Pennsylvania Lottery Pick 3 evening drawing, are distributed between January and March.

Time: October through March

Contact: Judy and Carl Luisi


Marching Band Banquet

This committee coordinates our annual Marching Band Banquet in November. Details include ticket sales to parents, planning the dinner and dance, and decorating.

This is a a wonderful event to be involved in, and memorable for our Marching Band.

Time: October and November

Contact: Nicole Stenger

Band Camp

Marching Band Camp

Support our Marching Band students and directors during this week by coordinating away camp chaperones, move-in and departure, and other special events!

Time: Late July or early August

Contact: Kim Mitchell & Anne Gavorcik


Marching Band Festival

Please join this committee in coordinating our annual Peters Township Marching Band Festival. Help is needed with things such as ticket sales, bake sale, stadium decorating.

This is a wonderful event and your help is needed to ensure its continued success.

Time: September

Contact: Camille Bodnar and Jackie Beck


Marching Band Senior Rec Night

This committee organizes a special night for our seniors as they’re recognized at Peters Township High School Stadium.

Tasks include sending invitations, organizing the student information for announcers, and handling other details.

Time: September or October

Contact: Anne Gavorcik

Uniform Recycle

Marching Band Uniform Recycle Shop

Have a summer uniform that doesn’t fit anymore?

These volunteers can find a good home for them by helping with collection and distribution of reusable band uniforms.

Time: August, minimal exchanges during season

Contact: Michelle Skillings, Anne Gavorcik


Marching Band Yearbook

This committee photographs marching band events, collects and collates the photos, and works with a yearbook designer to create a keepsake that summarizes the season through photographs. All students receive a free yearbook.

Time: All season

Contact: Kim Mitchell & Camille Bodnar


Meatballs & Music

This is our largest fundraiser (2000-3000 meals prepared!) and an incredible community event. Students help by serving meals and seating guests.

Parents help with cooking, supervising students, basket raffles and more.

Time: February

Contact: Julie Collins & Sam McVicker


Parent Tailgate

Kick off the new school year with other music department families at our PT Music Booster parent tailgate. Committee members plan this special event prior to a Friday night home football game.

Time: One Friday football pregame

Contact: Needed


Publicity & Social Media

When big events like the Band Festival and Meatballs & Music come around, we want the world (or at least Washington County) to know about it. The chairperson handles advertising for our functions and fundraisers.

Time: As needed throughout season

Contact: Camille Bodnar


Rookie Coordinator

Are you a newbie? Have questions? We are happy to help!

Our contact is a great person to get in touch with when you don’t know the ropes.

Time: Throughout year; mostly when season starts

Contact: Cara Tomnay


Sarris Candy Fundraiser

Everyone needs a little chocolate in their life! The chairperson coordinates with Sarris Candy. Sarris provides four types of chocolate bars: Peanut Butter, Rice Crispy, Almond, and Plain Chocolate. Bars are purchased in boxes of 48 and are sold at PTMB events, concerts, meetings, and directly to members throughout the year.

Time: Throughout the year

Contact: Nicole Stenger

Spirit Wear

Spirit Wear

Our members love to show off their PT spirit! The chairperson works with a distributer to provide a variety of spirit wear options for our members to purchase.

Time: Throughout the year

Contact: Available

PTMB Website

Website Coordinator

Our website is a great resource for parents. This committee keeps our website up-to-date with all of our many events, forms, fundraisers, performances, photos … and much more!

Time: All year

Contact: Camille Bodnar


Website eCommerce

From membership to marching band bundles, our eCommerce website makes it easy for parents to place orders, paying safely through PayPal.

Time: All year

Contact: Rory Egan